Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Last day

I think we are fast approaching the lift off point for the parabolic rally that always caps a C-wave advance. Once that begins there will be no more good entries into this market. All pullbacks will be mild or intra-day only. I've done everything I can think of to get people on board before the move starts. Hopefully you took the advice and got in at the intermediate cycle low in January or at the daily cycle low last week.

I've cautioned repeatedly to ignore the technicians trying to call tops. These analysts just don't understand what is happening to the dollar. This isn't about technicals. It's about fundamentals. This is about a currency crisis. Folks in a currency collapse you would have to be an idiot to go to cash. I guarantee the market taken as a whole isn't stupid. It's going to find a way to protect itself. That will of course be to exchange dollars for gold, silver and mining stocks as the dollar collapse starts to intensify.

There will undoubtedly be a never ending stream of top callers all the way up. But the market is going to make these people pay dearly for jumping off the bull too early. Overbought is going to be a meaningless term in the days and weeks ahead. The only thing that will matter is finding something to buy in order to protect ones purchasing power from the currency crisis. 

This will not end until the dollar puts in the final three year cycle low.

This will be the last day for the 15 month special. 15 months for the price of 12 ($200). Here is the link to the premium website. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the subscribe link. Enter 'smt15' in the promotional code box and click continue. That will take you to a page with the 15 month offer.

The offer has now ended.


  1. Gary,

    In our 401K's I do feel like an idiot for going to cash a while back thinking the market would have a hard time getting above 11,800.

    What is suggested for 401K's when all you have are crappy, limited options?

    Stock funds suck.
    Bond funds suck.
    Freedom Funds suck.
    Money Markets suck.

    Do you think cash there is the best place now?



  2. Unfortunately with nothing to protect yourself You will probably just have to wait patiently for the next 4 year cycle low to get back into stocks. Which means you are going to get pummeled for a couple of months sitting in cash, but you really don't have any other option.

  3. I have been following this blog since late last year. Became a monthly sub in early March.

    I just renewed for the 15 month special.

    To any lurkers who are considering subscribing, the nightly and weekend reports are well worth it. You'd spend more on one nice dinner out than you would for 15 months of what has been great advice and guidance. Do yourself a favor.

  4. Hot Rod, I'm in the same boat. re: 401ks. I do have a natural resources fund that is mostly energy, so I still have some of that, but am about 65% cash. I plan to ride it to the next low and then reenter.

  5. Veronica,

    I understand your signals and very much appreciate it when you post one!

    To the rest of you guys who get confused by them, we've been over this before, but we'll do it again... :-)

    Part of the confusion may be this:

    Veronica = vuvvy. Same person. vuvvy posted signals in the past and explained them at that time.

    She used to use her system by itself and would just take the signals as they are, buy means buy, sell means sell. But now that she has Gary's cycle data, she's noticed that after an IT low, when her system gives a sell signal it often marks the bottom of a daily cycle low.

    So using her system combined with Gary's: A buy is always a buy, but a sell just MIGHT mark a daily cycle low if we are early in the IT cycle.

    Buy means buy, never any question about that.

    Sell may mean sell or may mark a daily cycle low, depends.

    If this is too confusing, just ignore her signals. You have Gary, right?

    I like seeing her signals because it might give me just the additional confidence I need to add to my positions if I'm looking to add.

    Keep 'em coming Veronica!

  6. Earlier in the week I said that getting whipsawed and thrashing about last week probably hit my account for 7-10% (measured from my balance at the peak prices of gold and silver.)

    I didn't want to wade through my transaction logs to fully calculate so it was only a guess.

    Now that gold and silver are roughly back up to the highs again, my account balance is the SAME as before. This means that my losses from whipsaw trading were made up for by an increase in silver position (50%) that I was able to take on thurs/fri.

    So it all worked out ok in the end. (But clearly I would actually have gains now instead of being flat if I had executed better.) Still...i'll take the result. As I said, these things happen.

  7. PimaCanyon,

    I agree. Love Veronica/Vuvvy's signals. Keep them coming. I wonder how the signals will work during the D-wave though. Will a sell really mean a sell and a buy would mean the top of the daily cycle? Lets see.

  8. HOTROD,

    >What is suggested for 401K's when all you have are crappy, limited options?

    Talk to your employer and find a way to quit the company for a week or so (just take a regular vacation), roll the 401K into an IRA, then get re-hired again (or work as a contractor).

    I've made this suggestion before and people jumped on me saying things like "You don't know what my company is like", "Nobody cares about me if I leave", etc. etc.

    All I can say is that *I* would find a way to get it done if *I* was in that position.

  9. That is very interesting, PC! Thanks for the clarification. Is her system based on some price momentum indicator - like RSI??

  10. Veronica/Vuvvy ... as pima says ... keep em coming ... that's exactly how I interpret them as well.

  11. Oops! Sorry Gary, I was trying to get the posts via email and the only way I know how is to post something.

  12. Gary, I understand how the dollars move lower will continue to raise inflationary pressures across the board. I've felt it at the pump and at the grocery store. What do you expect by way of gas prices groceries etc. when the dollar begins its about face after we reach extremely over sold conditions? How long do you expect that period to last?

  13. TZ,

    I sincerely appreciate the thought on this.

    Your suggestion is really not feasible and pretty risky.

    (side note, I did just leave my company about a month ago and have already happily rolled over that dough)

    A company has to wait until 30 days after your last paycheck in order to tell the brokerage to release the acct. It takes about 2 weeks after your last paycheck for the deductions to go through. In my case, I was on them so they did it quicker (thank f-ing god).

    Also, 401k's have a vesting cycle. So if someone is not vested, they will lose the employer match.

    Also, companies are super sensitive to "bridging" benefits if someone leaves, gets cold feet and then are accepted back quickly. It is a ton more work for HR.

    Also, it is (in my opinion) always a risk to go to HR, let alone for something along the lines of this. Things end up being "the hugest deal" and you wouldn't believe how high up in the food chain this goes (approvals needed).

    Believe me, I am not a fan of these "nuances" of corporate america. Just my 2 cents from personal experience in my young age.



    Thanks a lot for the detail. I will certainly look more closely at Veronica's info now that I understand. Knowledge is Power.


    P.S. - I'm not a fan that my handle is "hot rod." Years ago I started a blog thinking I was hot shit about NFL spread picks and this is the nickname I set. When I logged in to post here, it pulled it automatically. One of these days I am going to try to change it.

  14. Just goes to show you how strong this move is in gold and silver. The dollar has rallied pretty good and we are still up nice. It's not drawing too much attention, but when the dollar starts to crack we are going to be up huge

  15. ddnf3,

    You're right, once the D wave starts, all bets are off.

    As we approach the top of the C wave, especially if Gary starts indicating things are getting toppy, if Veronica posts a "sell", I will probably take it at face value because at that time we will no longer be early in the IT cycle (we'll be well into it or even late in the cycle).

    I think I will just watch during the D wave. (Or maybe do a very small lotto play on some puts, we'll see what Poly decides to do about that :-)

  16. Would it be a bad idea to short silver using ProShares UltraShort Silver (ZSL) as the price collapses in the d-wave?

  17. HOT ROD,

    CONGRATS! you are the *first* person who seems to have thought my suggestion through and examined the pros/cons of it. Most others just shrugged it off.

    Yes, there are issues. And it also depends on the employee (clock puncher? or valuable gem?). Size of the company too.

    If a person has a 20kd 401k or something it doesn't matter. But if I was someone sitting on a huge 401k that was most of my net worth, I DARN sure wouldn't let it go down the drain. So far as to even quit the company.

    Anyway, good luck with it and thanks for some of your clarifications which will help others.

  18. I have to laugh when I hear this talk about shorting D-waves, like it's really that easy to do.

    It's easy to say one will short silver during a D-wave but in real time it's a completely different ball game. There are many violent counter trend rallies that will almost surely kick you out for losses.

    Plus if you miss time the top and the C-wave goes much farther than you expect a double inverse fund will quickly wipeout all your gains from the C-wave.

    The only way to play the short side is to buy a few puts that you are willing to lose completely if it doesn't pan out.

  19. Eamonn,

    Gary will say never short bull markets. NEVER. So don't do it. If you want a lottery ticket where you are willing to lose the money, that's your choice. But never short a bull market.

  20. Ok, thank you Gary & ddn3f. My education continues

  21. TJ Rand, I wanted to echo what you said about warning your family. I am sure everybody we know thinks we are wearing our tin foil hats.

  22. Miners don't care that stocks are going lower. Nice.

  23. I had mentioned this here earier but again for benifit of 401k discussion. IN fidelity they have option to open linked account to 401k. The linked account then can be operated just like any IRA. linked account still remains under all rules of 401k. I have done it long time back. Last time someone checked with fidelity they told it is based on employer and its terms and conditions. So it may depends on your employer. I don't know about other 401k administrators.
    One more way is get many employess asking for one PM mutual fund option and employer can push for it. They will never allow direct metal but something like fidelity gold fund which is mostly like gdx may be given as option.

  24. SLW flying today. Hope it is a leading indicator:)

  25. Dollar makes a swing low.

    Gold/silver bouncing higher.

    What gives? Will the dollar tag the trendline it broke through last week before it heads down?

    Le Fou


  27. Yash,

    About a year ago I did ask my employer to add a PM fund, the fidelity one FSAGX. I explained that it would give balance and an alternative to the stocks, bonds funds in case of a correction, etc.

    They took about a month saying they would follow up, etc., etc., and they came back denying it saying that they did a review and that they provided a good basket of options.


  28. HOTROD,

    >They took about a month saying they would follow up, etc., etc., and they came back denying it saying that they did a review and that they provided a good basket of options.

    Go over their head. Call the CEO. Set up a 15min call and explain the situation.

  29. Would SLW be expected to perform better than AGQ during the c-wave?

  30. They fact is they do NOT provide a 'good basket' to pick from. You can make this case from numerous facts about what happens to countries when they go BK.

  31. So happy I bought SLW June 45 the other day.

  32. Gary: Forgive me but I really disagree about shorting a D-wave (or anything else). You are right that it is hard to catch a blow-off top, so that's not the place to do it. You wait for a break or reversal on huge volume and short on the bounce. If you pick your spot carefully you have a reasonable stop and it may take a few tries to get it. Once you do you have strong hand status just like when you are long. There's no reason for a violent rally to shake you out anymore than a sharp drop needs to shake you out when you are long.

    You are also right about the math favoring the long side, but the math also means if you miss the top it doesn't matter (80 to 40 or 75 to 40 is about the same). And you are absolutely right to avoid trying to pick the top of a parabolic rise. That's how you go broke! We'll argue more when we get there ;-)

  33. most of options in 401k are decided on long long term performance .. so over 10 yrs.. so if one can prove fidleity gold funds 10 yr performance which is 20% per year it will get attention .. many a times people don't even know performance of gold funds. although i am not using my 401k options we have most of funds that are 8-10% per year returns over last 10 years which according to employer very good too so they tend to overlook PM fund.

  34. I think the thing to do re 401k is put only the minimum you need to get the employer match. If you can afford to save additional money, put that into a Roth IRA up to the yearly max, and then if you can afford additional saving beyond that, put those funds into a regular brokerage account. In other words, if you can afford to save 25 percent of your salary, don't just dump that all into the 401k. Put it where you can have control over how the funds are invested.

    (One other thing to look into: Can you add funds to both a Roth and a traditional IRA during the same tax year, assuming you max out the Roth first? If the answer is yes, then you would also have to check out whether you can add funds to a traditional IRA if your company has a 401k. If the answer to that is yes, then the order would be: 1) 401k to get employer match, 2) Roth IRA max out for the year, 3) Traditional IRA max out for the year, 4) your regular brokerage account.

  35. DG,

    I know I am looking for a few lottery tickets when silver will drop. You are correct the lowest risk entry is to short on a bounce to a lower high after a high volume reversal.

    I am only interested in silver because silver has a nasty tendency to drop really hard and fast. If you do go short after the end of the C-wave, let us know.

  36. DG,
    The problem is is just doesn't work in real time. If you miss a few times, which you will in a parabolic move, then you start off in the hole. Probably deep in the hole. Then you are struggling to make back your losses.

    If you get kicked out by the violent counter trend rallies you compound the losses to the point where it's impossible to recover with a short trade.

    And then here is the biggie. What if this just happens to turn out to be the beginning of the bubble. Gold and silver will just keep ramping higher and higher for hundreds of percent. You will end up with massive losses.

    There is really only one way to short a bull like this. But a few puts and only as many as you are willing to lose everything. Then close your eyes and wait for the Blees rating to push above 90 or a tag of the 200 DMA which ever comes first.

  37. TZ,

    You crack me up. Obviously, you have never worked for a large company in corporate America. Lucky you!

  38. BTW we will see several high volume reversals during this move. All but the last one will be a fake out.

  39. pima - I beleive 2 and 3 combined has max limit of 5000.
    for higher salaried people maxing out 401k used to give big tax advantage.

  40. cheers to the best trading community I've ever seen... thanks Gary, DG, Veronica, Poly, Pima, ddn3f, David, etc

  41. >You crack me up. Obviously, you have never worked for a large company in corporate America. Lucky you!

    So not joining a large faceless company is based on luck?

  42. Gary: "When the bird and the book disagree believe the bird." I have been doing just what you say is impossible for many years. Let's see what happens when we get there. I will post real-time trades.

  43. TZ,

    Not everyone has the options available to them that you have had. You are obviously very smart for one thing. You know where the center of the bell curve is for IQ? 100. That's right, for every person who has an IQ of 125 (smart, but not genius), there's one who has an IQ of 75. Someone with an IQ of 75 would probably jump at the chance to get a job in a "faceless large corporation".

    Call it luck, call it good fortune, whatever it is, you have it. That's not to say you haven't worked hard or made smart choices. I'm just saying that not everyone is as smart as you or maybe even hasn't had as many opportunities as you. They have to make the best of the hand they've been dealt in this life.

  44. Any reason for the gold & silver rise from the past hour?

  45. Classic and predictable move this morning.

    New 30 yr highs, give it a moment or two to digest....then "nothing but blue sky's"

  46. hi Gary
    Regarding the Silver Wheaton Position, is your stop just below $38? Perhaps you could add the Silver position to your Stops And Trade Triggers Page? Lastly, are you fully invested now?
    thanks - your commentary is always appreciated

  47. Silver new highs, gold almost there, but dollar UP??? One of these two is not right - silver trade seems very speculative to me - how do I know - AGQ - very dangerous vehicle for those who were trading SKF back in the day. When that puppy bursts, it will probably go back to $60's just like SKF and the Wall St honchos will make out like bandits. Just be sure to have tight stops if you are in it.
    Also, miners are lagging still, seems like a non-confirmation to me. Parabolic rally - the parabola started in August and the air is getting very thin...just keep in mind my old friend DXY 72.5 for an emergency escape hatch :)

  48. Hi Gary
    Just a further question, from your past experience of C waves, do gaps close as the stocks make their way higher? There are a few dangerous looking ones on Silver Wheaton at around $39 and $40 mark.

  49. TZ: I hope you can forgive me, but after a wile I just can't stand it anymore...Are you ever wrong? Do you ever learn anything from someone else? Have you ever in your life said, "Gee, that's a good point. I hadn't thought of that." I know you think you are the smartest guy on the planet, but can't you even pretend not to think you are God's gift? Even a tad of occasional humility would make your stuff easier to read. It has value, but geez, I have to swim through your ego to get to it. I can live with that, but your posted replies that imply the other guy is an idiot get tiresome. I'm sure you'll post some witty retort showing how I have misunderstood you, or you don't really do what you obviously do, but on the 1 in 100 chance what I am saying will penetrate, I thought to take a shot. I will not comment again on this (I hope!). Apologies in advance if I have crossed the line here.

  50. Just saw the gap up on DXY. Don't know what to make of it.

  51. Coolkevs: These things do not stay in lockstep every hour or every day. Once the big money realizes the dollar is toast, the PM's will go up because they need to buy. Whether the dollar is up on a particular day or not doesn't matter.

  52. To All,

    I'm currently invested in AGQ, SLW, SIL, GPL and yes USSIF.

    Very small 'lotto' position in USSIF and thinking about adding more into this C-wave.

    If you were in my position and had a little more dry powder to work with what would you do and why?

    Also, Alex and others knowledgeable in the area of Juniors what is your strategy for unloading gpl/ussif?


  53. coolkevs,

    SLV up 1.2 percent
    SLW up 3.4 percent
    SVM up 3.04 percent

    The miners are lagging??

  54. DG,
    Actually you proved my point back in the early part of the year trying to short the stock market.

    The difference is that the metals are much more volatile and the losses will be much larger.

  55. GLD up .96 percent
    GDXJ up 2.42 percent

  56. Coolkevs

    I see what your saying but I just think that's because the dollar is up today. IMO Smartmoney is buying today and the followers will be buying tomorrow, there is probably still confusion out there.

  57. Gary: I was shorting with pennies and wound up losing nothing. There was never a clear place to do it. Had we had an up 150 day closing down 1150 and then rallied into the meat of the reversal I'd have done it in size, but my approach kept me from losing anything. If you can place trades and either win or break even you will do very well. All I proved is that with proper risk management you do fine even if you are wrong.

  58. Cooldevs,

    AGQ will track Silver x2 very well, especially in a fast moving market over just an 8 week period.

    I was caught up in SKF when the crises when full tilt, don't forget the big financial boys pushed a ban through on short selling financial, it really messed with this instrument.

    If you're going to ride AGQ to $60 or even $160, then you're probably not paying to much attention to Gary and this blog :)

  59. It's similar to TZ's use of large leverage. He knows what he is doing and is very disciplined. Not recommended for most folks, perhaps, but with discipline, risk management, and intelligent entries, you can do quite well. Again, I will post when we get there. If I don't get the right setup I won't take it. Trading is asymmetrical: You can wait forever for the right entry, it's knowing when to exit that's hard.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. New York: First Majestic (AG) is the best of the miners. I've posted about it in the past, but here's a great article recently written about it.

  62. Matthew, this kind of information you'd do better not to mention on blog that is free to everyone.As subscriber, i think gary's porftolio and every infirmations sensible are let know just for subscribers.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. do you get k-1 form for dgp?

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Dg,
    If you keep positions size very small then yes you can't lose much money. The trade off is that you can't make much either.

    If that is the strategy then by all means short away. It would be more of a can I do it or not trade. Not something that will make any real money.

    The only way I would ever consider shorting a D-wave would be to buy a few at the money or out of the money puts and then close my eyes and see if they pan out in a couple of months.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. wow way sorry deleted..oops I was a little confused.. so this is not the premium locations..way sorry

  69. Gary,
    Dollar bounce today, par for the course?

  70. there a spot where just subscribers can comment..

  71. As I posted before, there is no mystery here, silver March Delivery is in 5 business days, the COMEX must find 4.2 million ounces as of last night to satisfy current longs. Price must go up to bribe people off of their positions so they can roll to May and do it again. Research every delivery month in the past, and especially December as it was also a big OI delivery month. Tie those to Gary's cycle work.

    We will rise hard into this OE day, and then sell off some, before we push into the May delivery period.

    These tie very nicely to Gary's cycles daily and intermediate so added confidence.

  72. Mr M,
    Sure nothing goes straight down. It's still way too early for a cycle low.

  73. anybody see gdxj 's cup & handle..

  74. Wingman,

    Thanks for that. Would you advise getting out of USSIF and still getting into AG at this level?

    It looks like it's at/around it 2 yr high right now...

  75. The small positions are only probes. You add on the violent bounces. The probes keep you from getting hammered if you are wrong having placed a large order. If you lose on the probes you don't add and so don't lose much. If you short, get a 5% drop, and then bounce 2% to resistance you add. Yes, it's a lot more work than buying in a bull and taking a nap, but if you like the sport it doesn't feel like "work" and more than rock-climbing does (which, by the way would be dangerous for me and work.)
    O.K.---your blog---you get the last word (until the D-wave starts...)

  76. oa92000: you looking at a 1-minute chart?

  77. Hi Gary,

    In your opinion, is it too late now to get into options and better to use something more conservative like SLV or do you think it is still early enough in the game to buy some calls?


  78. DG,
    OK when the D-wave starts you can try to short and I'll just buy a couple of puts :)

  79. Re: 401k

    What I did was take out a 401k loan and put that cash to work in metals.

  80. MD,
    Only buy options if you know what you are doing. They should be for controlling risk not for huge leverage. But if you are a subscriber then you know I think gold is going to 1600+ and silver to 50.

    In that scenario does it seem like it's too late to add to positions to you?

  81. Matthew,

    There is no subscriber only comment area unfortunately. We just try to keep the premium info off the boards.

  82. OK folks your on your own today. I'm headed out to the cliffs.

  83. Wingman,

    Do you know why PZG has been left behind today?

  84. So Bob

    Do you own any options that expire in May? Because those options will expire prior to the next delivery I guess a week after.

    Or would your next options purchases be the June type?

  85. ALEX, hope your trip to the doc was fine.

    What is this "too hot for the blog" pick you mentioned this morning? I am interested. You can add a ton of discalimers around it while posting. But do post.

  86. Gary, Looking to protect some money in a American Century account w/o many options. Only PM related fund available is BGEIX, looks like a mix of gold and silver miners at first glance. Feelings on viability for this parabolic move up considering the declining dollar?

    I know you mentioned that the miners got hit hard during the credit collapse, and that was a rare event in which everything was sold indiscriminately. Will be miners get hit when the market reacts to our flimsy currency?

  87. "coolkevs said..
    AGQ - very dangerous vehicle for those who were trading SKF back in the day"

    I agree with coolkevs on this one, you can win big & you can lose big.

  88. DG,

    I think Gary may just be trying to protect those that have little experience in shorting something as volatile as a D wave. He's working hard to help folks make enough money to maybe even change their lifestyles. He would probably be disappointed if even a few gave it all back in a heartbeat.

    Don't take it personally.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. anybody knows if dgp issues k-1 form?

  91. New York: To answer your questions, I bought more of it in my brother's account just this morning, both shares and May $17.50calls.
    Again, I believe AG is the best of the bunch, so if you believe silver is moving into the parabolic stage of the C wave and you want exposure to miners, then in my opinion this is the one to go to.

  92. Angry Hippy, I think Gary is off for the day climbing. But if you have spent any time on this blog, you know a dollar collapse is expected to propel gold/silver and the associated miners up!

  93. Hot Rod and others, if you can, eliminate, or reduce your 401k in favor of a Roth IRA. Just be wary that if you cap gains get too large, you'll go over the AGI limit for contributing to a Roth.

  94. Both the dollar and the metals are up. One of them is lying.

  95. Silverman: Yes I know. Gary and I have been tossing this back and forth for a long time. I don't take it personally at all. It's just his implication that it's impossible that I take issue with. "Difficult" yes. "Impossible," no. Hell, to me rock climbing is "impossible." Thanks for posting.

  96. PZG has two announcements coming in the next couple of weeks. First is the assay report on the tailings pile at Sleeper, which should give them about $70 million of silver they can use to fund exploration.
    The big one is the new NI 43-101 on Mexico. If it shows over five million ounces, they will sell the project or the whole company, probably to CDE or one of the Mexican majors.
    Disclosure: I'm all in, AGQ& PZG are biggest holdings.

  97. Haggerty, I rolled half my options in April to May on Monday and Tuesday, and will close my remaining Monday or Tuesday next week, then wait for the next daily swing low to buy May options again.

    But to be clear this is a small portion of my portfolio.

  98. DG you clearly have years of experience but I think Gary's methods is safest for most. Shorting corrections is very tricky because they are more violent and shorter duration than playing the long side. Timing is essential.

    I have no doubt it can be done but it takes an expert and someone who can ignore the emotional side of trading. Most who try (myself included) have just gotten burned.

    Keep posting your entries/results is good to learn from regardless.

  99. skf was a lot more dangerous. The gov't intervenes on behalf of the people they serve, the bankers. Remember TARP, the bailouts, the down payment tax break, cash for clunkers, the 20+ trillion in toxic financial instrument backstopping, the banning of shorts of the major banks. All those were designed to help... bankers!

    What have we seen in the PM arena, which is incredibly tiny compared ot the banker arena: a small rise in margin requirements for silver.

  100. aries: sorry, I don't know enough about PZG to really comment on it. What I would ask is if it's been stalling through this move. If it has then I'd look for news on it and strongly consider moving out of it. Best of luck!

  101. the dollar is toast until July 4th.

    haha.. funny if the reversal of the USD comes then. but it looks that way.

    anyways currently we know which one is lying. buy gold on any weakness in this market.

  102. Thanks Romeo. Thats what thought, based on what I have heard on the blog, but sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 times. Just want to make sure I am getting it.

  103. Angry Hippy, no problem! Things should be really rolling now so if all goes as planned hang on tight for the next few weeks/month or two.

  104. Mike: Yes, I am not recommending it, but we have some people here who really could do it well, and have just never really shorted. I am encouraging those who are close to ready to take the leap when the time comes. It develops trading and discipline skills that come in handy no matter what your approach is.

    Heck, that rogue Alex got me into my first junior miner ever just last month. If even I can learn something there's hope for everyone!

  105. Mike,

    Love the photo. (I had one of Spider Meadow for my avatar for a while).

    I lived on Whidbey Island for years and before that in various places throughout Puget Sound. I've backpacked all over the North Cascades. Still my favorite mountain range during the oh-so-short summer hiking season. Took the Boalps climbing course back in the day and did a little climbing and some ski mountaineering. I hope to spend some time in your neck of the woods this summer. I live in Tucson now and love all the sunshine and great hiking right out the door.

  106. Yash,

    I owned DGP in 2010 and haven't received a K-1 yet. But that may not mean anything because, by IRS rules, they have until April 15 to send it!

  107. DG/Alex et al ... if you guys could also post how much of your portfolio you are investing in a particular call that would help a lot.
    1% ... 10% ... 50% ... just to give us an idea of your confidence level.

    Much appreciated ...

  108. "Both the dollar and the metals are up. One of them is lying."

    Kind of sad to keep hearing this, lack of understanding and implies that gold is purely or only driven by the US Dollar.

  109. Bob, Poly, et al:

    I know you have answered this question before, but what is the best reading for learning the ins and outs of options. I would like to learn all I can so that I can feel comfortable using them next C&D waves. Thank you.


  110. DG,

    It's probably no consolation at all, but I believe that you will make money shorting the D wave :)

  111. Bob

    Would it not be more advantageous to move them to June though? Because if the price action happens right before delivery like we are seeing now, you would miss the action because the options would expire(May) before that comex delivery date right?

  112. Pima,

    The North Cascades are amazing, I agree (I assume you mean Washington State).

    Here are my favorite highlights:

    --There is a lake in Washington (central part of state) called "Lost Lake." Amazing. It sits at 4000 feet and is crystal clear mountain water.

    --Driving along the windy mountain passes of Route 20 from Twisp to Concrete.

    --The views and swimming in Diablo Lake, a cloudy fluorescent blue, glacier water.

    --A natural sulphur hot spring at Mt. Baker. Hard to find non-commercial). Driving up a windy logging road, parking at a clearing and waling back 1/4 mile into the forest. I haven't been there in many years so I don't know the current state.

    My dream adventure (which has been put off since I have a family and 3 young kids now) is to rent an RV or a off road vehicle and in the summertime do the drive from Calgary to Edmonton along the canadian rockies and continental divide through Banff and Jasper.

    Oh, the good old days.....


  113. Plenty of online sources for options, depends on how you plan to use them.

    Good book is "The rookies guide to options" Mark Wolfinger

  114. DG,

    Regarding your "Euro short/$ long" but Silver/Gold higher - perhaps its folks in Europe's turn to bid the price of PMs higher? Up to now I think PMs have been somewhat flat versus the Euro?

  115. If the Dow closes up 17.91 or more (that is, more than it was down yesterday) I will get a sell. Standard warning: the sells are not as reliable as the buys. You can take the buys o the bank. The sells to the Check-O-Mat Cash In Advance place. Burt with the SPX at resistance i will take a shot. We also should test the panic low which argues for a dip, at the least.

  116. Silverman: That euro/USD call was just for a trade. Buying EUO at 17.75 yesterday means you can now put in a stop at cost (it's now at 18.00) and guarantee a win or break even. I didn't take the trade because I expect the dollar to get killed and it's a little too much like waiting for the last minute on the Titanic for me.

  117. Poly,

    Very nice timing on those lottery tickets yesterday. Was it yesterday or the day before that. But nice timing.

  118. Both days :) Thanks and good timing to you too!

    You knew with Gary's timing cycle AND the bull flag and the all time high's sitting right about us that a lock out day was in the cards.

    Let's hope past similar cycles will give a good 3 day lock out here, before the half cycle dip comes.

  119. Haggerty, that is true, but I like to roll one month at a time. Besides, if there is no June deliver, no need to pump up the June Premium.

    Jennifer, I am self taught, trial and error to find what works for me. I have been trading options for years.

  120. Edwin, re: July 4th. Funny you should say that since my PFs peaked on July 4th (3rd) in '08, powered by PM shares. It was a bit of a ride through November that year, I plan to be an interested spectator this year.

  121. gold goes to 2000/1450= 1.38, silver goes to 50/36 = 1.38

    don't see silver will outperform here.

  122. Anyone buying today?
    I'm debating, having bought in the past couple of weeks. I don't want to get greedy!

  123. Poly, to echo ddn3f, I followed your lead (but got them at .21). Nice call so far!

  124. thanks glen. it seems becuase its etn and not etf .. we may not get k-1

  125. oa -- gold may be 1600 when silver 50 at end of C.

    jesse cafe has i h&s counting 132 points .. neckline 1440 .. so that makes 1572 ...

  126. Hot Rod,

    Yeah, those are great spots. If you haven't done so already, be sure to drive the gravel road to the Cascade Pass trailhead and take the hike to the pass and beyond to the upper reaches of Sahale Arm. Mind boggling scenery starting at the parking lot itself! Several times a day icefalls cut loose from the north wall of Johannesburg Mt causing a thunderous roar. Spectacular place.

    Another place you can drive to that has great scenery is the Mt Baker highway all the way to the end (some years snow blocks the way till August).

    Favorite backpacking places are the Glacier Peak Wilderness and Pasayten Wilderness. Alpine Lakes is not too shabby either. :-)

  127. Hot Rod, I am a former Pac NW resident as well. I have done the drive from Calgary to Jasper. Ice Fields Parkway, amazing. I found Lake Louise a bit crowded (it was summer) but I loved Jasper and also a little town on the BC side called Golden. Rented an awesome cabin backed up into the woods that was on the property of a recent immigrant German family. Then did some white water rafting. What a great time!

    Let's see I did all this when I was single and now my wife and I have a 10 day old.... well, I hope our little one is an adventurer!

  128. Saw this on the blog earlier and saved it:

    Dollar up, Stocks up, Gold up – Economy looks stronger, but inflation fears
    Dollar up, Stocks up, Gold down – Economy looks stronger, no inflation problem
    Dollar up, Stocks down, Gold up – Safe haven reaction to geopolitical problems
    Dollar up, Stocks down, Gold down – Deflation trade
    Dollar down, Stocks up, Gold up – Inflation trade and hyperinflation trade
    Dollar down, Stocks up, Gold down – Geopolitical problem resolved, reverse safe haven trade
    Dollar down, Stocks down, Gold up – Inflation raising corporate raw materials costs
    Dollar down, Stocks down, Gold down – Stagflation

  129. DG/Gary,

    I am really puzzled by this going back and forth on this being able to short "D waves." Although I am a new subscriber, I have been at this since early/mid 2000(forgive me as I no longer remember exact year) and I have only shorted this market BIG twice but both times were at extreme euphoria peaks(as Gary would term-C wave) and both those times i was extremely successful, to the point were I nearly made as much shorting as on the "C wave."

    You can feel when we are at such tops because the excitement can be felt absolutely everywhere(perhaps this
    Comes from experience more than anything else), u then watch for a few days in a row where Gold/silver are by relatively large amounts(I mean silver being up 4/5+%) and the PMs are actually DOWN(yes this happens at euphoric tops) then a day comes with massive volume that has a intraday reversal and u place ur shorts. Maybe I've made this all sound simplistic but both times we've had this situations, I've made my big money shorting so yes it an be done.

  130. oa,

    yeah, I'd say 2000 gold at the end of this C wave is a long shot. 1600 is probably more likely, maybe not even. 1550 or 1575.

    I would guess that if gold does go to 2000, silver will go well beyond 50.

    Which is a good reminder for me... I will take a look at the current wave structure and see if I can come up with some reasonable targets. If I do, I'll post them.

  131. C-wave break-out has begun. Congrats Gary!. way to stay focused

  132. pima - 1575-1600 is what comes by many calculations. Jesse American Cafe has that as I H&S target. Tony C OEW has that for major 3 wave top. (i know this is different than abcd wave but tony c wave count on gold silver are tracking good too with his major 3 top at end of C wave and major 4 down for D wave ... by his count major 1 ended at 1008 or so there is lot of space to go down for major 4 (D wave).. as per him silver is going to go to 26 or so for his major 4 which will be gary D. That makes agq to 120s again.

  133. yo SB!

    SVM up 5.5 percent today. The only thing on my watch list that is up more is AG. Even NUGT, which is a TRIPLE weighted miners fund, only matches SVM's performance.

  134. So silver made a nice move up, but gold is going sideways. Hopefully the move up in silver will drag gold with it. Gold needs to break out to new highs. It's so close.

  135. thanks Yash.

    I do look at Jesse's blog occasionally, but haven't looked at Tony C's in a while.

  136. Iron Nuts

    These are what Gary has.

    To make the recent bold calls he has done, especially with today's "free" post, it takes huge kahonas of steel.

    Silver closes yesterday at all time high and he says back up the truck.

  137. Pima,

    What is the id for Tony C's blog. Thanks.

  138. pima,

    NUGT is 2X, not 3X...however it should do extremely well for the remainder of the C run with the expectations that the miners have to play major catch cup to the metal.

  139. anybody worries about k-1 forms for agq etc? it seems k-1 forms sometimes shows much more gain for tax reporting purposes.
    someone posted about recving K-1 for last year and he passed on to broker as it was his ira but can that person say what was written on K-1. like how much gain was shown?

  140. Question about leverage. As the stock prices go up, the account value goes up as well. However the amount of leverage that you borrowed stays constant. This makes your initial percentage of leverage that you borrowed go down. Is it wise to increase leverage percentage to keep up with the original target (say 130%) as the prices go up?


    his gold/silver counts look good matching gary abcd waves. of course there won't be one to one matching between abcd and his one major wave.

  142. DG,
    Great call on the USD/EURO trade!
    For what ever its worth, Im looking forward to buying puts on the D wave, while going long the USD (Im short currently).
    Maybe even short the Euro in the process.

  143. I added AG this morning before it rocketed! Wish I had bought more.

  144. Other bloggers I follow are aligning just as Gary was saying all along- sooner or later, investors will shift money into miner/gold/silver as they realize an inflation scare is coming upon us.....

  145. Poly,

    Can you explain what you said about "Let's hope past similar cycles will give a good 3 day lock out here, before the half cycle dip comes"

    I have not heard Gary write much about half cycle dips.

  146. Re: Silver versus Gold.

    I think Gold will have it's nice little run as per Gary's plan.

    But Silver, oh my. I really believe the Hedge funds and (Speculators) are onto Silver in a big way and are going to drive this into one amazing spectacular top (and crash) here.

    Yes I know it's already been spectacular for many of us since Aug-2010, but my bet is that "the boys" are going to run this baby into the stratosphere here.

    As for D-Wave shorting, I agree with Gary in the sense that you probably do not one to risk any substantial capital. Catching it would be difficult too. But to not have a real crack at catching a monster move down, especially in Silver) would be a sin, IMO :)


    Can I have a 'hit' of whatever you're smoking? :) Posting warnings on a breakout to new highs...with minors surging on increasing volume. Momentum traders licking their chops and drooling for the next two weeks?

    2nd thought, I'll pass on that 'hit', I wanna see clearly :)

    DG wrote: "Heck, that rogue Alex got me into my first junior miner ever just last month. If even I can learn something there's hope for everyone!"

    DG , Finish your sentences please..." and it up 60% from where he got me in, and climbing..thank you ALEX!" :)

  148. Miyagi-san,

    I have been buying last week but did not have the balls to buy all during the bottom/nuclear scare period (AARRGG!)

    I plan to buy more at close today (since it looks like a breakout) and then keep a little more to see what happens on 28th (options expiration) for a possible dip (?).


  149. Beksachi,
    I bought a bunch of calls last week, I haven't bought anything this week although I wish I had bought some last month!
    Still, very satisfied. In fact, I have a lot of time on my hands now, waiting, just goffin' off, vacuuming, doing dishes....

  150. O.K. Alex: "And it's up 60% from where he got me in, and climbing..thank you ALEX!" [BTW, I corrected your typo.]

  151. "Still, very satisfied."

    Agreed- no complaints with my portfolio today!!!!

  152. Bought 70 AG $17.50 Call Options this morning and backed up the truck on SLV April $40 Calls - 375 of them to be exact. Bob, I think we were buying at the same time.

  153. ddn3f,

    I'm not sure if it's part of the "cycles lexicon", but I'm sure I recall Gary mentioning a mid cycle pause (not really a drop).

    I've noticed that once a new cycle confirms itself, around day 3-6, it often spikes into new high's and rally's hard for 3-4 days. That rally then pauses for a breather (around mid cycle) before going again. It's not a "scientific observation", just what I've noticed.

  154. Alex: I have sent you two emails. Are you there?

  155. SIL seems to be lagging... any thoughts as to why? Maybe still a buy opp??

  156. Grat, you bought a few more than I did this morning on AG, but I stuck with May SLV calls. beautiful move.

    All, Gratitudo is an old junior metals guy. He knows his stuff and does great research.

  157. New York, SIL is up 4% today.

  158. Lots of people coming out saying they bought OTM calls. I hope everyone is just using money they can lose (aka lottery ticket). Gary would be reprimanding everyone for using such crazy leverage.

  159. GREAT blog today, I love the happy day blogs vs. the troubled waters blog.

    DG , Thanks for that typo correction , I owe ya

    New York ...asked about unloading juniors like GPL-I'm just riding for now, and usually I'm able to get out close to the top if they continue the parabolic stage up (did ok with the oils)

    But specifically, If they go up everyday , it gets too good to be true and you just wish you could buy more , then they're up 8 out of 10 days and gap up today, yesterday, and the day before...large volume...I AM OUT!

    There are other signs, but thats a REAL sell signal, sell at least 1/2, or just dump it.

  160. CTM, yes I know... i'm just looking to get something that's a little 'cheap' right now to add into this parabolic move.

    Just trying to decide what's my best bet as I've already got AGQ, SLW, GPL and SIL...

  161. Does this board own all of the April SLV $40's, ROFL!

  162. AG is my largest junior mining holding. I sold some of my SVM last week and dumped it into AG to beef it up even more.

  163. Collectively we probably have over 1000 calls, maybe 1200?

  164. Yes ddn3f, 100% right. This money should be dispensable cash(if there is such a thing)used to "punt" on a big win.
    We're all responsible adults but don't lose sight of the fact that this trade has a very big chance of expiring worthless and losing 100% of the trade. No shortcuts

  165. Blogger DG said...

    Alex: I have sent you two emails. Are you there?

    Oh, Just got in from the Doctor , couldnt resist catching up on this blog (170 posts) good reading.

    I will check my email, thx

    Someone wished me well earlier, I will find your name and thank you and answer your question in a bit, Thanks

  166. Alex,

    Gotcha. So your reco is to unload GPL at this time? Or at least half and maybe ride the other half out?

    If I dump any reco on what to move those funds into? I don't want to chase AGQ at this point and thought maybe to just go into SIL?

    I just unloaded USSIF today for a small profit as it was feeling to risky.

  167. ddn3f, I only bought 15 contracts.

  168. Hi Pima,

    That was Rainier from the top of Crystal Mtn. a few weeks back on a rare sunny day. We were hiking up the King peak in the south back country. As you can tell, perfect visibility - Adams, St. Helens, and the Olympics were all out as well.

    The Pacific NW is certainly a special place if you can tolerate the rainy winters and short summers!

    We have some Columbia river property on the east side of the mountains near Chelan to get out of the rain every now and then. Otherwise Arizona sounds mighty tempting!


  169. Poly,

    I have noticed that regular spike after 3-6 days also. I was just looking at it yesterday when I was trying to reconstruct Gary's cycles on my own chart. Pretty cool for what to expect in the next couple of trading days.

  170. @Bob in Hawaii,

    Could you post the last half dozen silver contract delivery dates as well as the next several ?

    I'd like to look at those dates as I bought some trading shares near the last cycle low.


  171. NO New York

    Not at this tiome!!!

    If you see what I wrote happening, NOT NOW :)

  172. I have:

    Anything small someone can think of, samll play, AUY maybe?

  173. Alex,

    O-K :)

    I see, can you elaborate on those sell signs for a noob?

  174. Silver producer AUMN, previously known as Apex Silver for any greybeards, is catching a nice bid today, although a long ways from its highs of late last year....plenty of room to run here.

  175. New York: If I may...If you are pretty new to this you should not be trading junior miners. Please listen to Gary's advice and you will do very, very well. He has specifically suggested NOT buying junior miners. Not only is there a fair chance you will get hurt, but whatever you lose is money that could have increased in value in AGQ, SIL, or SLW. We tend to learn from losses, though, so feel free, but if you can stay disciplined and stick with Gary's advice you will make more than you ever thought you would. That should be enough.

  176. You should have told me about AUMN yesterday, up 19.19% today!

  177. anyone want to comment on K-1 and its impact on taxes? my only question was do they report more gain/interest on k-1 form than we would have made it by actual trading.

  178. DG,

    Thanks, and I am following his advice. Just dabbling with a very small percentage in miners... I like to learn 'hands on' :)

  179. For those with mining shares, TZ has repeatedly said that silver will outperform mining shares at the end of C waves.

    He usually checks these things carefully, so I wouldn't bet against it until you check it yourself.

  180. Nix the AUY for me, something wrong there, it's up less than a dime with every other miner I follow up.

  181. HUI up to 570, just like that. Now you get a feel for how it could easily find itself up to 800 in the space of 6-8 weeks.

  182. NY: Great. Yes, learning hands on is good, so long as you don't lose a hand!

  183. Blogger YesLetsDiscuss said...

    ALEX, hope your trip to the doc was fine.

    What is this "too hot for the blog" pick you mentioned this morning? I am interested. You can add a ton of discalimers around it while posting. But do post. was spinal injections , glad thats done with :)

    There was a 'clue' I put in my post when I said , "Should Have Zip' to it :) " posted yesterday...

    Stock is shz (should have zip)

    -This stock Quadrupled in 2 days last October -$1 to $4, correction formed a GORGEOUS cup/handle last Oct to Dec. it broke out with volume, I bought it. I almost crapped my pants as it went from $4 to almost $10 in 3 days.

    DISCLAIMER -THIS IS WHY I DIDNT POST ON HERE..its too tempting, but I got in at $4 yesterday with its Surge in volume at the open.THIS CAN FALL AS FAST AS IT GOES UP...warning warning , danger danger!!

  184. I just bought 1/2 my plan for SDS when the SPX hit 1299. I figured I am going to get the sell at the end of the day anyway, whereupon I will add. I am guessing we are more likely to fade from here than go up from here, and I will get the sell regardless...unless we close down ;-)

  185. MR.MYAGI

    May I recommend UXG , about to break out today on sweet volume, should run from here.

    I agree with AUMN too, its up big, but its off the bottom, so could still run big.

  186. Thanks Alex, I'm looking into it now. Nice move up.


    Spelled UR name wrong, sorry

    I hate to be the GPL guy, but today it is climbing on higher volume out of a nice consolidation,the MACD is turning up , and I have a price projection of $7 minimum if it passes its former high ($5 area) o convincingly. If it stalls there, it just may take a breather and form a handle, but This has been my best baby!

  188. Bob,

    Are you still hanging on to your GORO positions? It's the only thing lagging in my portfolio right now - wondering what to do with it...thx!

  189. Thanks for the heads-up Alex.

    Hopefully the spinal injections help with your bowel condition - that sounds dreadful!

  190. New York, I notices PHYS was a huge laggard today. Don't know much about it, but it certainly didn't pop.

  191. Alex,
    Don't worry about the name...
    I have a couple of thousand GPL shares bought in under 4$, I was thinking of adding, my thought are alnog the same line as yours.

  192. New York wrote..can you elaborate on those sell signs for a noob?

    I will, and I'll include charts when we get there weeks/months from now.

    Right now I think Gary and his cycle analysis is going to be a GREAT indicator to follow(the dollar low). There will be many signals that many of us will post as we see them, then its just a matter of how you view it..greed vs self control :)

    I will say this, if you see, AFTER a long run up in a stock... a huge gap up at the open, and then the stock sells off and closes down at the end of the day-after that long nice run...should be sold. It is an 'exhaustion' gap...all buyers are in , DONT wait till you see the rest of the sellers hit the exits!


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