Wednesday, November 9, 2011


A portfolio change has been posted to the website.


  1. I think the premium website isn't working, I can't see what the portfolio change is.

  2. What is the change? Is that what Gary was talking about the other day?

  3. Looks like the market is ready to rollover now, and money pour into gold.

  4. the long bonds seem like they're about to break out of their consolidation soon which i think will get people worried about deflation again, temporarily. good opportunity for lower prices if one is patient.

    i think my personal "all in" moment for gold is when the 10 year (1.96% anyone?) either fails to make a new high here or diverges significantly on a new one.

    in other news bailed on my SPY longs on the bounce this morning at a loss of around 10 points. got a small buy order for TBT at 18.80.

  5. St. D,
    This is just an observation, and you can choose to ignore me if you want, but it seems like trying to day trade the constant wiggles in this market is whipsawing your account to death.

    Usually if something isn't working it's a good idea to quit doing it.

    The market is being ripped back and forth by currency manipulation and bear market fundamentals. That's a pretty tough scenario to make money in.

  6. silver being kept under 35 for two weeks now...while gold and miners making higher highs

  7. GSTroll,

    It's waiting for you to sell.

    Le Fou

  8. Poly:

    You contemplating starting a short position in stocks? This seems like the first shoe to drop...

  9. Bought more Gold here...I am sure that it is going to drop back to 1755 now!! LOL

  10. Gary or anybody - what is a reasonable $HUI:$gold ratio? What should it be for miners to be "undervalued" relative to gold? Or "overvalued" relative to gold?

  11. An undervalued gold:XAU ratio is 4.

  12. Le Fou,

    hahaha...someone has to be the sacrificial lamb...might as well be me right? for the greater good :)

  13. WW - Bad hearts can be fixed. I assume you know to eat plenty of eggs and animal fats, and substitue stevia for all sugars, including honey and any artificial sweetner. Also assume you know there is no relationship between cholesterol and heart disease (Harvard Heart Study, 45,000 men for 40 years).
    Here is an especially good reference - David Williams is very good.
    Also important to keep stress levels down - "Freedom From Stress" by David & Karen Gamow is superb, especially if you are trading PMs!

  14. Farm Girl,
    Isn`t that DGs book?

    Pretty cool on the fats info. We get so conditioned to hearing fats are bad for us, when the brain is made of fat and needs it to function. I just went and picked up 150 lbs of lake trout a week ago. Body healthy! So why did I trim my AGQ this morning? Something backfired! probably the aspartame in my diet mt. dew kicking in.

  15. Psst! Diet Mt. Dew causes Alzheimer's. Pass it on.

  16. Current PM rally a bit long in the tooth. Bad news out of Europe apparently not going to let up. Thought we would get a breather and the dollar would retest the bottom. Not sure that will happen now. Golden cross in USD. Death cross in Silver. Gold could go either way.

    Still long gold.
    Sill long silver.
    But picked up some ZSL.

    Thought about buying UUP but will wait for now.

  17. Danno, thanks, I thought about thinking about UUP also, but then thought better.

  18. Farm Girl,

    I eat 100% perfect and have a extreme vitamin regimine, and yes I know that there are many factors that contribute to heart disease. Some of the main causes of heart disease are vitamin and hormone deficiences (especially Vitamin C & D, and testosterone). I am doing everything a human being can possibly do to not only slow the progression of my heart disease, but reverse it(although mainstream medicine will have you believe it cant be reversed). The main trigger of both of my heart attacks was a combination of hard work and caffeine. I am an amputee (above knee), so doing certain jobs is twice the work for me and puts a beating on my heart. I was sheetrocking and drank coffee (spiked my blood pressure and split an artery) when I had my recent heart attack, so no more coffee and need to take it a bit easy working. Thanks :)

  19. William Wallace, maybe if you could get a device to monitor your blood pressure. It might be surprising to discover what raises and lowers it.
    Like cancer, I believe a large amount of heart disease is determined by your genetic make up

  20. aljiowa,
    UUP is not without risk I'll grant you that. I'm a bit skeptical of the huge gap low on UUP and the small gap above the current price. It's possible the higher gap may be filled, followed by a sharp reversal and fill of the lower gap... before the last big dollar rally. Keeping eyes open for now...

    Not all gaps get filled of course. And the dollar trades 24hrs so gaps in UUP must be questioned. However, IMO, gaps represent powerful or unsustainable price movements. Which is this movement? Dunno. If I knew that I would be a trillionaire.

  21. Farm Girl,

    The problem with cholesterol is a protein within it that doctors never test for during normal lipid panels, its called Lipoprotein(a)

    Lipoprotein(a) is what binds to the lesions in the artery. Many people who have heart attacks never know what high levels of Lipoprotein they have unless they request that test, there is one cholesterol test that covers the full spectrum, its called the VAP test. My Lipoprotein(a) levels were very high (in the 30's) I brought it down to 3 with big doses of Vitamin C and the amino acids Lysine and Proline.

  22. WW, (Braveheart)
    Good to know about the VAP test.

  23. What a pukeout today. Shalom you adding to this pal? I converted some of my GDX to some more aggressive stuff towards the bottom

  24. "An undervalued gold:XAU ratio is 4."

    I think you mean an overvalued gold:xau ratio is 4.

    The typical range is between 4-5, with 5 being undervalued and 4 being overvalued.

    Of course, by that measure gold stocks have been wildly undervalued for several years now -- the ratio is currently 8.5ish and it was 11 during the depths of the meltdown.

  25. These same old head lines are getting old.

    Panic today
    Problem solved in a few days


  26. Gary - pardon the dumb question. The Gold:XAU ratio, does that tell me if miners are undervalued? I keep thinking it is something like HUI:Gold ratio, but of course, I really don't know.

  27. Now I look like the genius, trimming the AGQ, time for another diet mt dew......

  28. gld spent a lot of time pecking away at the 61.8%. Finally broke through. Agq was sitting on the same line at 67. 50% for gld at 170.12. DCL? Looks like a good place to start to reload.

  29. No, not the DCL, damn diet mt dew....

  30. Danno

    This was posted in the premium area. I figured I'd save you the 10 bucks and post the link.

    Great video about the eroding effects of 2x eft spacificly ZSL. Skip to 13:00

  31. SF, that video talks about 'decay' as being caused by an investment not having the same value after it goes up 20% and then down 20% (example, $10 initial investment->$12 after going up 20%->$12 then becomes $9.6 after going down 20%. This is not decay, this is basic arithmetic that applies to any investment. The decay in leveraged ETF's is due to rebalancing and frequent trading, and possibly other reasons which others can explain...but it is certainly not due to what is described in the video.

  32. I'm kind of surprised silver is getting murdered so much vs. gold considering how Gary has pointed out that the gold:silver ration has gotten much more bullish for silver of late.

    Yeah, I know silver's moves are magnified, but still.

  33. Yea I know but danno loves ZSL so much I figured he would like it.

    Point was ZSL was about $1200 in 2008 split adjusted.

  34. Haggerty,

    No, I haven't added to anything today. If we can close weak and get a gap lower tomorrow morning, then I'll start to add more miners. I'm also looking to short the S&P via SSO into a bounce, as long as SSO stays below $45.90

  35. I'm going on a 2 week vacation starting next Wed, but feel I'll get to top off my miners before then. I'd like to see GDX get to $59. Seems that might be a decent area to turn up the risk.

  36. Glad we got out of FCX today. Ouch.

  37. I just noticed the 50 MA on the daily chart is around $59.44, will be good enough for me if it can get there. :)

  38. Today would be as good a time as any to add to miners IMO, gold is back near the 10sma and so are miners, If gold has began its move down into a DCL and draw down from here shouldnt be too crazy. If gold runs tomorrow say good bye to this level in miners.

  39. David,
    Sorry you are right. overvalued at 4, undervalued at 5.

  40. WW could be right about the miners, but he knows I like a good sale. :)

  41. SLV is inches of closing its short term gap

  42. Could quite close by end-of-day today

  43. I just really don't understand the market reactions to Italy - if USD is going up, market is spooked by Italy, shouldn't gold also be going up? Oh well, what a puky day.

  44. Gold may use this as the opportunity to move down into a DCL.

  45. It probably shouldn't last more than 4-8 days.

  46. We have a swing in Gold right? But it just entered the timing band right? So there is a chance this could just be negated

  47. Yes gold could rally again tomorrow and negate the swing.

  48. The last cycle was king of short for Gold, maybe this one will run a little long

  49. There is a swing in GLD but not Gold futures. Keep in mind, in the last IC gold would pullback to the 10sma only to rocket higher. These are dips you look to add on people IMO.

  50. The last daily cycle was of normal duration. The intermediate cycle was short. So maybe we get four daily cycle's up instead of three this time.

  51. The 1765 gap just closed. Hooray.
    I just went long gold at 1770 as I was late getting there.

    Gold may stomp in the gap, but the long direction will resume.

    I expect gold to be 1800 within a few days. Gold is now free to run without the problem of the exhaustion or breakaway gap.

    There's a small gap below 1765, too, down about 5-7 bucks, but I think the clean up in aisle 5 is finished.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Farm Girl, off topic, diet pepsi caused lung cancer in my 30 yr old friend; she died in 1 year. The aspertame and other sweeteners are deathly.

  54. Started moving AGQ profits into nugt below 35.

  55. Told you that if I was buying at 1793, the market wiuld sold off! Argh...for the long run baby, for our kids

  56. Slumdog,

    I am very sympathetic to the loss of your friend, but how do you know her cancer was caused by aspartame?

  57. A sneaky thought came into my head - is it possible that Gary was right in calling it a D-wave about a month ago? Hmm...panicking human nature.

  58. gary, appreciate your comment earlier.

    the /es trade i got stopped out of this morning was part of an ongoing system i've been working on, which has actually been working well enough through all this (relative to what my brain would have me doing anyway).

    gold.. let's just say i'm not 100% convinced the "D Wave" is behind us. i'll still be buying the dips but unfortunately until i'm convinced i'll also be selling way too early from time to time.

    i did not buy the dip today.. perhaps in the AM.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. WW and Farm girl....
    great article on cholesterol...

    this guy does a great job in dispelling some myths that have been driven into our heads since day dot.

  61. Thoughts of D-Waves and collapses naturally pop into one's mind the second their accounts go red or gold heads towards DCL's.

    That said though, there is precedence for a very shortened and failed IT gold cycle, it occurred in 2008. I believe the macro environment is much different this time, I give it fairly low odds.

  62. For those that may be interested in miners check out a chart of HUI for last 12 mnths...with solid line and BB overlay...(stockcharts).
    My observations....highs are achieved when BB upper is touched followed by 2-3 week retracement to mid or lower BB....
    Upper BB is achieved almost entirely during the first week of the month for last several attempts.
    Lows are stopped at around 500.
    Peaks are progressively higher.
    Have been watching since late Oct...and if proven correct....we could see (as Gary put above) another week of retracement not only in gold but also miners.
    Only to be followed by a higher high early December.

  63. I still expect gold to have a C wave down. Since it reached 1804 on its B wave, a decent estimate would be 1804-389=1415. I do not think gold will be immune to a downdraft in the near future. As stated before, 1380 is another projection based on EW guidelines. BTW, I still say to hold the core position, this only concerns when to accumulate more. I do not intend to sell any until the secular bull ends.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. catbird,
    Silver follows gold in a healthy way typically when the stock market is also ticking higher, or at least stable. If the market is shaky and gold is not working miracles, silver will get sucked down with the market... until that glorious day when PMs truly 'decouple' from the market. But I wouldn't hold my breath for that day. You might turn many shades of purple first.

  66. Liquid Motion,
    Gary correctly pointed out several posts ago that the HUI has formed a megaphone pattern.

    If the HUI does not achieve a higher high on this rally... (gulp)

    Personally I think the HUI chart looks like burnt dog poop.

  67. I'd like to comment about Great Panther Silver (GPL) Alex has mentioned GPL numerous times on this blog, but I considered his recommendations as more for trading than investing for any length of time.

    Here's a great article on GPL that would indicate to me that it could also be a good "old turkey" play:

    The S&P could decline considerably from here, taking miners with it, but I decided to push the button while it is going down, not up. FWIW (not much?)

    PS Listen to Gary!

  68. Gold is sitting on the 10sma tonight, it loses the 10 and I would say the move into a DCL is in play, it holds and gold spurts through 1800.

  69. WW,

    So this is not a DCL if the 10 day holds?

  70. WW,
    Thank you for the updates.

    Best wishes for your health.

  71. well...more after hours beating for gold and silver right now...

    tomorrow should be another interesting day :)

  72. James,

    If the 10sma holds I would expect to see gold push above 1800 again. I wouldnt consider this a DCL, its still early in the daily cyle. I mentioned earlier that in the last IC we seen gold trade sideways a couple times so the 10sma could catch up before pushing higher...this may be the action were seeing here, flag then spurt higher. If gold loses the 10sma I would be looking for a DCL on the 50sma, 1730ish.

  73. W2,
    I follow gold futures on forexpros and it currently shows the 50dma at about 1701. What gives, or are you going by the 5 min chart?

  74. James,

    BTW, the cycle trendline is right below the 10sma, so gold would have to break the trendline to confirm a move into the DCL. If gold loses the 10sma it will break the trendline.

  75. 86,

    The 50sma is around 1727 on a Gold futures daily. Not sure what your looking at. The 40sma on a daily is at 1700.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Slumdog - how do you track the pit gaps?

    I assume you're talking about the gap between the LME close and the COMEX close?

  78. Poly said "That said though, there is precedence for a very shortened and failed IT gold cycle, it occurred in 2008. I believe the macro environment is much different this time, I give it fairly low odds."


    Can you confirm why you believe macro picture today is different and does not favor a 2008 type scenario?

    Do you mean "2008 was Lehman (liquidity crisis)" and "2011 Nov is a currency/fear crisis"?

    If "fear driven", then I guess gold has a chance of going higher this time.

  79. Well I just told you, I swear they list the 50dma as 1701. And they call it the gold futures advanced chart. Maybe now forex is on aspartame.

  80. WW, glad to see you're doing better. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Always good to read them.

  81. Kal,
    don`t encourage him too much. He`s Italian and when he starts getting excited, he start`s talking with his hands and then I don`t hear from him for days and then I think he had another heart attack then I start getting excited.......oh, sorry, got a little excited there....

  82. 2008 was the move down into the 8 year cycle low for gold. The next one isn't due until 2016.

  83. Haha 86d. I enjoy your comments and of course the banter between you all. I have a new job and blogs are blocked there (but not the premium site), so I sometimes get to read them at night, although I usually am doing well to read all the premium site comments.

    I see the 10 sma at about 1755, 50 sma at 1728. Sound about right? GC does seem to be bounding off the 10 regularly. I guess that has to do with the free fruit deal WW talks about all the time? :)

  84. Well it sure would be interesting to get down to the bottom of this deal. Ideas, anybody?

  85. GC bounded back off 1755. See what happens overnite?

  86. Kal,

    Thank you my friend :)


    You look exactly like my off the boat little old italian grandmother. You sound exactly like her too when you start cracking up and talking italian!

  87. 86,

    Im made in America, please dont affiliate me with them italians right now, dont you watch the news!

  88. WW,
    86 is right, we don't want you getting too excited and disappearing again. It's in the blood, you can't help it. 86 didn't call you an Italian politician, that's who did everyone on over there, same as here. They buy all their votes.

  89. W2,
    Because of your relatives, we SMTers are going to be living in fat canolis. Then your really going to be talking up a storm!

  90. at ease,
    basically he can`t help himself period.

  91. Thanks WW appreciate all your insite. Before the week started I posted the 10, 50, and 75 day moving averages all came together at 1727-1730. It seemed unlikely gold would test that after running to 1800 but now anything is possible. Still holding the trendline and 10 day.

  92. 86,

    LOLLL...your an italian politician!

    You talk hillside redneck italian to me all day long and your telling me about canoli's!

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. LOL!! I have to shut my grill so I can put up with this again tomorrow. Good night all. You too, W2..........

    besides, I live on the hilltop, not the side!

  95. W2, you mean the ones wearing the black dress` and the flys?

  96. 86,

    Make sure you forget to wear your Duluth Trading work pants tomorrow so an angry beaver bites ya pecker off, you filthy swamp thing!

  97. I can really see the hands flying now...........LOL

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Gary,

    It is going to be very interesting if the market turns over big time here with regards to EW. I see so many nearly identical charts across many blogs labelling this peak a 2 and C.

    It does appear that EW is mostly after the fact but like I said if the market rolls over here EW might gain some credibility.

    On a different note, Joanne's Halloween indicator has finally crossed back over bearish, albeit just barely. 3 DMA crossing below 10 DMA for S&P[s208344815]&disp=P

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Gold barely down but silver getting hit hard again...the silver underperformance is getting ridiculous...have my stop limit in place to lock in my profits...will mostly get hit at open....I will chase it higher if needed

  102. "Silver getting hit hard"

    It's down $0.14

    You must have a low threshold for pain

  103. DIANA

    I read your article on GPL, thanks.

    I actually did purchase a mini boat load in Mid October on the double bottom at $2 ( the first time there was 1st week of OCT on heavy volume, second time was about 2 1/2 wks later and the MACD was higher ,volume lighter, etc ) and have held old turkey since.

    I agree with you, It does look to be shaping up lately :)


    As the Euro crisis deepens, the smart money is fleeing to the US dollar. The view on London's trading floors is that Italy is too far gone to save; I expect the Euro to collapse in coming weeks and there to be a massive inflow to the dollar. Although one would expect Gold to be a save haven, dollar strength will drive down the spot gold price in the near term, and Italy will come under huge pressure to start selling it's gold reserves. I expect the $1750 support levell in spot gold to be breached soon.

  105. Gold and silver are not doing well. I always thought flight to safety means buying gold, but I probably thought wrong. "Safety" seems to be US dollar.

    Or maybe it is just a move down to the daily cycle low for gold like Gary said. Hmm... even though I am not leveraged, I still find it annoying.

  106. There's a lot more bad news to come out of Europe - watch the dollar rally. Gold is following the EUR/USD down...

  107. Jim Sinclair's TRX getting spanked this morning. :)

  108. restarting positions in dgp and nugt here.

    still seems like the 10 year could break up out of its range, which would not be good for risk assets.

  109. Just looking at a chart of GOLD, I can see how it could drop down to the $1728 area (50sma) and there it would sit on the bottom of a new channel line. It would still be fine...

    I drew this for a friend yesterday, so the "WE ARE HERE" is as of yesterday.

    $1755 is the 10sma...we are there now :)

  110. Yep, 1750 just gone as I told ya...

  111. Sorry for those long, but I can see 1730 on the cards.

  112. GOLD just went from $1600 to $1800 , a normal 50% retrace would be $1700.

    The 20 sma is at about the same area as the 50 sma ( around $1710 to $1720)
    so things still look fine to me ( SO FAR) :) .
    Its the way Markets move...they breath in and out on a regular basis.

  113. Rich,
    It's just a normal move down into a daily cycle low. The come like clock work about every 18-25 days. Once they are finished then the bull gets back to doing what it was doing before the profit taking event.

    It's way too early in the intermediate cycle for this to be anything more unless this was the move down into an 8 year cycle low. But that isn't due until 2016.

  114. Alex - yes I agree. Long term trend is up, but there can be significant draw-downs. PMs will go through one as smart money flees to the dollar.

  115. I'm putting in bids in some of my names below current prices, corresponding to $59.40 or so on the GDX.

    It feels like we could go lower, but I don't mind being a little early.

    Good luck!

  116. Gary
    Given the action odds look pretty good that this is working it's way in to a DCL as opposed to a shakeout before a final push higher in this cycle right?


    I just read what you wrote about heart healing...interesting.

    I should google it, but I'll get 1000 results, so I'll just said this

    "...and substitue stevia for all sugars, including honey and any artificial sweetner. "

    STEVIA...Better than Honey? I thought Honey in moderation had good enzymes, etc. What is good about Stevia?


  118. During the time the dollar went from 75 to 78 gold rallied from $1675 to $1800.

    Gold can rally in the face of a strong dollar. Granted not as much as when the dollar is dropping but it can rally because a strong dollar means other currencies are weak and investors from those countries are increasing their demand on gold.

    My expectation was always that this leg up would be rather modest, probably only to about $2000 or a little over.

  119. Haggerty - DCL, not shakeout IMHO.

  120. H,
    Yes if I had to guess I would say the move down has begun. But the 3 day RSI is already approaching oversold levels.

  121. I only tried Stevia a few times, but got a headache each time.

    I have bids in on 6 miners today, with partial fills in 2 of them so far.

  122. From London with love...

    EUROZONE: William Hill, a UK bookmaker, make Italy 7/2 second favourites
    to become the first country to leave the Eurozone as their financial
    concerns mount. Greece are the 1/ 4 favourites with Portugal at 10/1 and
    Spain 12/1. 'It is beginning to look very likely that the Eurozone could
    soon begin to break up' said Hill's spokesman Graham Sharpe. William
    Hill also offer odds of 7/2 that one or more countries will have quit
    the Euro before the end of 2012 (1/6 that none will), and are 7/4 that
    Greece will have reverted to the drachma by the end of 2012.

  123. EUR/USD hitting 1.3550. Gold to 1730 soon??

  124. RICH

    I agree too, you only mentioned $1730 , so what I pointed out kind of matched your thoughts. That was reasonable.

    I find If I can put a reasonable target expectation ( like what if we do a 50% retrace to $1700)on a pullback, it just helps one to avoid selling right at $1710 for fear of a crash.

    And so as Gary mentioned above...he's not nervous at this point either. Just 2 sides of the same coin flipping here. :)

  125. Trying to buy at 1733...will come in my face pretty soon at that rythm!

  126. Fully filled on 2 names, partial fills on the remaining 4, total risk to assets dialed up to 9% if everything fills.

  127. Instead of trying to guess at an exact bottom wait till a swing low forms. That will give you your best odds of not having to weather much of a draw down.

  128. Oh, I know I won't get the exact bottom and in fact I'm not even trying to. I don't want my assets sitting in the "safety" of confetti like Rich. :)

  129. That was for Sophia.

    I'm off to go climbing.

  130. TRX is a good example of why I stay away from royalty companies when buying miners.

    I'd expect deals to get broken all over the place in a major dislocation.

  131. Thanks Gary for your advice...I am improving my investing skills thanks to you and all the fantastic guys inspiration.
    Merci mon ami!

  132. Just a small remark...DAX is holding pretty well considering where it started the day and with Gold and NSQ weaker...Are we bottoming out?

  133. Alex - Here's all I know. White sugar or sucrose is a disaccharide that contains equal parts of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. “Evaporated cane juice” is just rebranded white sugar. Glucose goes straight into the bloodstream, and fructose heads straight for the liver, where it is converted to fat if it isn’t burned off by exercise.
    Sweeteners with high fructose levels are low-glycemic because they don’t dump as much glucose into the bloodstream. But while fructose does not increase insulin levels, what it does do is radically increase insulin resistance, which is far more dangerous. Fructose creates more than double the advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), harmful chemicals that age the human body, in the bloodstream than glucose, and it raises blood triglyceride levels, a marker for heart disease.
    Speaking as a beekeeper, I’m sorry to say that honey gets its sweetness from the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has approximately the same relative sweetness as granulated sugar.
    There are three grades of molasses: mild, dark, and blackstrap. These grades may be sulfured (made from young sugar cane) or unsulfured (made from mature sugar cane). Mild has the highest sugar content because comparatively little sugar has been extracted from the source. It has about the same glucose and fructose levels as table sugar.

    Dark molasses is created from a second boiling and sugar extraction, and has a slight bitter tinge to its taste. The third boiling of the sugar syrup makes blackstrap molasses. It isn’t sweet, because the majority of the sucrose from the original juice has been crystallized and removed. It contains trace amounts of vitamins and significant amounts of several minerals.

    Agave tastes about 50% sweeter than sugar, so you can use less of it. But blue agave syrup has a higher fructose content than any commercial sweetener -- ranging from 55% to 97%, depending on the brand, which is far higher than high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which averages 55%. White agave like Xagave has no more fructose than sugar, and a lot less glucose.
    For perspective, an average size Fuji apple weighs between 180 and 300 grams and will contain about 15 to 25 grams of sugar. The 25 grams is split 15 to 18 grams of fructose and 5 to 8 grams of glucose.
    Other sugars in foods and beverages include: lactose (naturally occurring in milk) - a disaccharide containing glucose and galactose; maltose (crystallized from starch) - a disaccharide containing two glucoses; and dextrose – another name for glucose. You can can buy dextrose on Amazon for $1 per pound, although it is not as sweet as sugar.
    Stevia, or sweetleaf, is an herb that contains a non-sugar chemical with a sweet flavor. Because humans can't digest and absorb the sweet chemical in stevia, it doesn't provide any energy or contain calories.
    The best brand of stevia I have found is NuStevia - no bitterness, no headaches. We use it in everything, hot, cold, baking, etc. Belly fat slowly melts away.

  134. Sophia,
    Interesting information regarding the "bookmaker." Thanks for giving us a perspective from Europe.
    Where are you located over there?

  135. Farm Girl, bee keeping sounds very interesting.
    Does the honey taken directly from the hive contain bacteria, fungi, viruses, or any other particulate matter?

  136. ckpc,

    you are welcome! I thought it was funny that the bookmakers in the UK were starting to quote on those...
    I am based in London


    WOW! That was definitely a more thorough answer than google would've provided. Thanks!

  138. SIDENOTE, then back to the mkts for me:

    I was told by my local beekeeper that you should buy Honey LOCAL TO YOUR AREA, because the bee's collect from all the local flowers that cause some allergies, and eating their honey can build up your tolerance.

    Not sure if that true or false ( and I dont have allergies anyways) but it sounded reasonable enough.

  139. SB

    I like your style. Scooping up those shares of miner from weak hands and nervous nellies.

  140. Farm Girl,
    Quite an eye opener. Thanks for the lesson. I was always under the impression that honey was supposed to be the `best of the best`. I just glanced at an article yesterday that was saying(I`m close but maybe not exact on these numbers)55-77% of standard on shelf honey doesn`t contain pollen and my takeaway from just glancing at it was that the pollenless honeys were manufactured. How deep does the rat hole go. I`ll just stay away from sugar and use my remaining cans of diet dew for targets.

  141. FARMGIRL,

    That was a plethora of information!
    I'm going to copy it and save it to my "Nutrition" file. Can't thank you enough!

    I'll be in Europe after Christmas to celebrate New Year's with my daughter, who lives in Paris. It's a blast taking the "Chunnel" over to London. What a feat of engineering that is!

  142. ckpc,

    I am half french, went to French engineering school in France so I am very proud of the Eurotunnel!
    Enjoy your trip, Paris is a great city!

  143. SB,
    do you want to share which miners you bought or wanted to?

  144. Farm Girl,

    I'm interested in what you know about Sweet 'n Low. Stevia is much more expensive so I'm mixing Sweet 'n Low and Stevia when I need a sweetener.

  145. If that 30Y Bond auction is a failure, it will be a good tale of the market and its current psychology...

  146. Sophia,
    Are you referring to the Italian bond auction taking place on Monday?

  147. no, to the US 30Y Bond Auction happening now...Apparentely, the 10Y yesterday had the biggest tail since Sep 2009...Just wondering who in his right mind would be a note at 3% for 30Y!

  148. PM action is hard to watch. I have signed out of the brokerage account. Going to do some work and turn off all news.

  149. Sophia,
    Got it. Thanks.

    GDX seems to be rebounding nicely at the moment. I added a little this morning after lightening up on Tuesday. Hope it holds.

    Yes, where is WW for the play by play?!! He provides good "real time" information.

  150. US TSYS/30Y: Treasuries slide after weak $16B 30Y bond auction
    tailed a lot to draw 3.199% high yield and weakish 2.40 bid/cover but a
    okay 28.4 indirects and 15.8% directs.

  151. Gary, central banks may sell gold to fund themselves and reduce the debt of their nations.....
    furthermore if europe goes into selling spree, gold top may have already formed and your d wave decline may be on for next 2 weeks....

  152. At Ease,
    I suspect he gave himself another heart attack from laughing so hard at the last shot he took at me last night. It was pretty funny. I was still laughing when I woke up this morning. Of course, I`m easily entertained and I suspect he`s doing what`s right and just taking it all a little easier.

  153. 86, I hope you are right. going to be worrying when we dont' hear from him.

  154. I know what you mean. I feel the same.

  155. Another pukey day in the PM sector. Barf.

  156. Gold looks good. As I mentioned last night, if gold lost the 10sma we would get a break of the cycle trendline and a move into the DCL that would take it to around 1730ish. Gold recovered nicely as expected and looks poised to get a move on.

  157. 86 & at ease,

    Love you guys, back in the hospital...woke up with my heart dancing.

  158. See, I knew something wasn't right.
    Hope you are ok now. Take it easy, you are not done here yet.

  159. WW, take it easy. Put away the computer.

  160. WW, take it easy. Put away the computer.

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. Damn WW
    Take it easy pal. Get out soon.

  163. W2,
    you were up too late, jerking my chain, weren`t you? You couldn`t wait to get back in the seat and start busting a move. We might have to take away your futures account and force you to play by NY hours. Or the choice may be made for you.

  164. Prayers continue WW. Get well.

    Le Fou

  165. WW - take care and hope you can get out soon. Are you logging in from the hospital?

  166. A little chamomille tea, to slow yourself down a tad.

  167. I told you guys, I won't die until the gold bull if you don't hear from me anymore you'll hear Gary say for the first time "short the hell out of gold!!"

  168. Intell,
    that`s part of the problem;he`s got the system jacked right into the side of his head, like a cyborg and he just won`t shut down.

  169. Like having an organ grinder monkey going all the time. Oh, wait, aren`t you Italian?? Whoops!

  170. Everyone,

    You lift my spirits, it's amazing...thank you :)

    I'm gonna get some more SMT subs now for G...doctors hear me talk about gold and they look like they are on morphine!

  171. If Gary ever say "short gold", I will eat 2 burritos and drink 2 margaritas and practice burping in my living room. Actually skip the burritos and just drink the margs.

  172. ww
    now the doctors are going to charge you more. lol

  173. Big Money J asked "Slumdog - how do you track the pit gaps?

    I assume you're talking about the gap between the LME close and the COMEX close?"

    Ans: The gaps are all off of the NY Gold Pit daily high and low, measured day over day.

    Yesterday, the gap at 1763 area closed and I mentioned one below that in the 1750's. That got filled today.

    Often the gap gets touched, top, bottom, or overshoot, like today.

    And sometimes the market stomps on the gap as in goes over and over the darned thing back and forth.

    That's all there is to it. We're in one of those back and forth swings. It will end soon.

    If the bull is standing, then up she will go.

    Another comment: 1800, a big round number. The market has just a few games it can play at the round hundred number. This needling in and out, above and below is common. Often the market retreats as it just did, for good reason this time due to the gaps. And imo, over a short time, a week or two or three, the market will be back at 1800, and when it comes back from this drop it will not even recognize 1800, but it will go where it's going to go.

    But alas, the IMF will solve everything and all of us can tuck into bed for a cozy restful winter (except the Aussies who are at the beach).

    What is obvious that Gary sees is the market has patterns that repeat within a range of optional behaviors. He looks at cycles. I look at repeating patterns. Both his awareness and mine are available to anyone who wants to study this topic, the squiggles and highs and lows and the "beat" of the market's heart, dispassionately. And the answers are there for the reading. It ain't easy as nobody will be there to say you're right or wrong in your conclusions. So, you gotta reach a point where you trust yourself, and you've gotta be choosey about what has the highest probability.

    I don't win that often. I have an excuse, of course. Only Old Turkey has increased my net worth in PM's significantly.

  174. David OT...
    Only 2 options... on a 2nd post partum she fell apart within a few months, or, as she drank 1 to 2 6 packs of diet cola every day, in spite of my warning, the chemical in that causes lung cancer. Let'em sue me. I was afraid for her before she got it and told her so, and when she did get it, it was not detected early enough, as there is a method to stop lung cancer early, but as of 15 yrs ago, there was nothing for more mature cancer.

  175. I've had a bunch of old timers tell me stirring a teaspoon of local wildflower honey in your coffee every morning wards off allergies. Those old farmers know their stuff. That's all they had growing up was home remedies...


  176. Toby is finally starting to get used to her now. They have been playing all day.

  177. Gary, any signs of a romance between the two?

  178. LOL Toby lost his bullets years ago.

  179. Off Topic - Gary, I was watching a show that follows a few different breeds of puppies from birth to 4 months old. I thought about channel and Toby. The adult dogs seems to have a hard time keeping up with the puppies, just like humans...

  180. Slum,

    In the end both patterns and cycles are still subjects in obedience to the King - MA.

  181. Slumdog, I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure it was not easy to go through. My husband lives on diet coke also. Doesn't drink anything else and you can't get them to change.

  182. At Ease,
    I do try and substitute an afternoon cup of coffee for a diet dew, but it`s tough. addictive stuff.

    W2, you out there? How you holding up? Burtha come in to tickle your ribs yet?

  183. If Asia joins the party tonight Gold's daily cycle trendline will need to be shifted and this daily cycle may start to get a bit heated.


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